IDCEE Kiev and thoughts on Europe

I was in Kiev last week, representing Seedcamp at the Investor Day Central and Eastern Europe. Besides seeing this beautiful city for the first time (autumn colours, wide roads, and impressive Soviet-era buildings), the trip was well worth it. I was to give a keynote at IDCEE about the emerging models of early stage financing (think super […]

My presentation at Imperial College last week

I had the chance to present Seedcamp at the annual IED business plan competition at Imperial College last week. This competition brings together MBA students from Imperial and designers and others from schools such as the Royal College of Arts to develop a business idea and take it to market. The quality of pitches was […]

Seedcamp Berlin – bis Dienstag bewerben!

Wie Ihr mitbekommen habt, bin ich ab Mitte Juni bei Seedcamp in London. Mein erster Arbeitstag ist der 16. Juni, das Mini Seedcamp in Berlin. Trotz der vielen Beschwerden über risikoscheue Investoren in Europa ist Seedcamp leider (noch) recht unbekannt in Deutschland – Ich werde natürlich alles dafür geben, dass dies nicht so bleibt. Wer […]