You should read these:
- The iPod Nano Watch Is Here and It Is Glorious – Is this cool or what? Now get it some Wifi and foursquare checkins (actually, a whole new category of passive iOS apps, BTing into your iPhone data connection) and I am really sold.
- The Man Who Makes Your iPhone – BusinessWeek – Saw the quote below? Apple has 25K employees, but 250K make the products at Foxconn? Meet the guy who built a company with 800.000 employees. Yes, you read that right.
- Forget Apple TV. AirPlay Is Apple’s Sneak Attack On Television – A thorough look at Airplay. When you show the airport express streaming to someone, they get it immediately – this is kind of the same thing, only with your stereo, TV, everything.
- No Pansies Allowed: Why You WANT VCs Who Ask Tough Questions – If someone asks just some basic and easy questions, they either haven’t prepared or have already written you off. Or both, of course.
- Why Intelligent People Fail – This list is a good starter if you are stuck with something. Read it, feel bad and get going!
- Pants Size Chart – Mens Pant Sizes by Brand – Esquire – You can tell when you shop at US brands in London – at GAP, i could wear 32 inch “skinny” khakis. I felt good, now I know why. Same thing goes with womens’ clothes and shoes, btw.
- Fuck the South – Hilarious rant against the southern US states from the north.
I use the Postalicious plugin to sync notable bookmarks. Comments are welcome.